[trx_sc_services type=”light” featured=”icon” featured_position=”top” hide_excerpt=”1″ no_margin=”” icons_animation=”” orderby=”post_date” order=”desc” title_style=”default” count=”4″ columns=”4″ title=”Main Features” subtitle=”who we are”]
[trx_sc_title title_style=”default” title=”First Opened” subtitle=”24 october, 2010″ description=”The ultimate subterranean playground, APOLLO Nightclub is designed with a multi-layered, voyeuristic approach, ideal for both after dinner entertaining and late night revelry. Tassel adorned curtains at the entrance open to reveal an expansive herringbone tiled space outfitted with custom designed metal railings, wood tufted panels and rich leathers; the raised VIP area features plush banquettes.” link=”/about-us-style-1/” link_text=”find out more”]
[trx_sc_events type=”detailed” past=”” cat=”50″ orderby=”post_date” order=”desc” slider=”” title_style=”default” count=”4″ columns=”1″ title=”Upcoming” subtitle=”club’s events”]
[trx_sc_team type=”short” orderby=”post_date” order=”desc” title_style=”default” count=”4″ columns=”4″ title=”Club’s residents” subtitle=”headline artists” link=”/residents/” link_text=”all residents”]
[trx_sc_googlemap style=”grey” zoom=”12″ height=”518″ markers=”%5B%7B%22address%22%3A%22350%205th%20Ave%2C%20New%20York%2C%20NY%2010118%2C%20USA%22%2C%22icon%22%3A%22291%22%7D%5D” title_style=”default”]
Open Hours

Tue – Thu: 5pm – 1 am
Fri – Sun: 5pm – 3 am

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